Day of the swimming pond

Einreichungen Tag des Schwimmteichs 2024

Danke fürs Mitmachen !

June 17 - International Day of the Swimming Pond

The International Swimming Pond Association (IOB) has proclaimed the 3rd Saturday in June as International Day of the Swimming Pond.

We are proud and say thank you for sharing your great impressions with us on the International Natural Swimming Pool Day!

This time, special thanks and congratulations go to the photo submissions of Klaus Reiter from Austria (category 'Professionals') and Menno Simon from Portugal (category 'Private'), which were awarded by the professional jury. These two photos will now be 'on top' of the IOB site until the next day of the swimming pond.
And we would also like to thank all the other submitters of their perfect experience on the occasion of the International Natural Swimming Pool Day 2023. Thank you very much for all the different personal moments at your respective nsp. So best start now and be on the lookout again for the photo that could follow in 2024.


The third Saturday in June is International Natural Swimming Pool Day! This time 15.06.2024

Tag des Schwimmteichs - winner 23
This time again! We are looking forward to you and your best moment with a natural swimming pool or nsp in the past twelve months.
So share this occasion to celebrate with your customers, employees, colleagues, members and all friends of bathing in biologically purified water.
What happens this time?
After the 2023 congress is right before the 13th International Natural Swimming Pool Congress 2025 in Austria!
Together with our colleagues from the Austrian association VÖSN, preparations for the congress are already underway in the background. The latest findings and interesting lectures for planners, operators and construction companies for private and public natural swimming pools will on the agenda for you in September 2025.

Photo competition and many great moments of the last 12 months with your natural swimming pool!
Share your best moment of the past year with us. In the week from 09 to 15 June 2024, upload a corresponding photo to the website of the International Organization for natural bathing waters e.V. under together with a statement on what your or your swimming pond association. You particularly like about this moment.
And then let's celebrate the submissions together on June 15th2024!

Why should I take part in the photo competition for the International Swimming Pond Day?

A jury of experts will then award your submission in the categories #1 owner natural swimming pool and #2 natural swimming pool professional!
This time to win in each category, there is a ticket* for one person to participate in the rally in the supporting program of the upcoming congress in September 2025 in Austria. This will be a great opportunity to visit to exciting natural swimming pool projects.

As a reminder, dear international nsp-community and dear nsp-enthusiasts: the two best surprises for International Natural Swimming Pool Day 2023 start today as an incentive and prelude to this year's contributions.

Kind regards Your IOB - International Organization for natural bathing waters e.V.

Stefan Meier  - Präsident
Maximilian Colditz - Vizepräsident
James Robyn - 2.Vizepräsident

* Please note the value of the ticket cannot be refunded. Overnight stay and journey to the starting point of the rally take place in self-organization which is not part of the win.

Tag des Schwimmteichs

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the winner 2023

Menno Simon, private, Tag des Scwimmteichs, IOB
Menno Simon, private, Portugal,


TIMBERRA® Naturpools, Klaus Reiter Tag des Schwimmteichs IOB
TIMBERRA® Naturpools, Klaus Reiter


Pics posted in past years

June 5 is the International Environment Day and since the very beginning June has been the swimming pond month par excellence in the northern hemisphere. We support this with your help and the actions for the promotion of biological swimming water and invite you to participate every year. Already for the 3rd time we call the International Swimming Pond Day and hope for your support. So this year again the third Saturday in June is our day to celebrate: the 18.06.2022.

To celebrate International Swimming Pond Day, we invite you all to join in. Simply send us a picture of your swimming pond from the last 12 months with or without bathers on the form attached below.

All swimming pond enthusiasts - whether they are swimming pond builders, bathers or owners can participate until 06/18/2022.

Take part and win!

A jury of experts will award a prize for your submitted upload!

For the best moment as an owner at your own swimming pond or natural pool, the 3 best rated entries will each receive an available t-shirt from our board member Jairo Villegas from Spain. The t-shirts are designed by Colombian artist SOMA

For the best moment as a swimming pond designer or builder on one of your objects, the jury will award a free ticket to the 12th International Swimming Pond Congress 2023 in Mechelen, BE for the best awarded object.
The submitted pictures, texts and information about the participating country can be published by the IOB e.V., but not their name or place where you live. By uploading pictures and sentences you agree that the IOB e.V. and its national associations are entitled to use uploaded pictures and texts to promote the International Swimming Pond Day on the internet and in other media.

Tag des Schwimmteichs

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